Tickets on sale August 1st right here or at Jax Outdoor Gear, Loveland, Colorado.
Total Feeds Inc., Presents 11th World Finals Women's Ranch Rodeo, October 16th-17th, 2015
Thursday, October 15th-
6-9pm Finals Kick Off Event
Thomas M. McKee 4-H Building, The Ranch Campus.
6-6:45pm-Team Check-in
7pm- Welcome and introduction of Finals Teams
7:30pm-Guest Speakers
8:15pm- Captains meeting/Rules with Judges
8:45pm- Kick Off!
$5 admittance
(contestant/sponsors free)
Friday, October 16th-
Calcutta 9 am.
First performance 10 am
Second performance 6 pm- Cancer Awareness Night
Sat., October 17th-
Open Stray Gathering 9 am
Final performance 2 pm
Awards ceremony to be held 1 hour after final performance
Rodeo Vendors Include:
Official merchandise of the WRRA and Cookbook
Silent Auction table- ALL proceeds go the 2017 Scholarship Fund
Rawhide & Roo Custom Rawhide & Kangaroo Leather Braiding
Custom Leather Products, Nettles Stirrups, Balding Bits & Spurs,
Diamond Wool Pads, Cowpuncher Bits, Spurs & Hardware
Click here for some fun NEW items!
Leather fly swatters, knives, playing cards!
Thursday, October 15th-
6-9pm Finals Kick Off Event
Thomas M. McKee 4-H Building, The Ranch Campus.
6-6:45pm-Team Check-in
7pm- Welcome and introduction of Finals Teams
7:30pm-Guest Speakers
8:15pm- Captains meeting/Rules with Judges
8:45pm- Kick Off!
$5 admittance
(contestant/sponsors free)
Friday, October 16th-
Calcutta 9 am.
First performance 10 am
Second performance 6 pm- Cancer Awareness Night
Sat., October 17th-
Open Stray Gathering 9 am
Final performance 2 pm
Awards ceremony to be held 1 hour after final performance
Rodeo Vendors Include:
Official merchandise of the WRRA and Cookbook
Silent Auction table- ALL proceeds go the 2017 Scholarship Fund
Rawhide & Roo Custom Rawhide & Kangaroo Leather Braiding
Custom Leather Products, Nettles Stirrups, Balding Bits & Spurs,
Diamond Wool Pads, Cowpuncher Bits, Spurs & Hardware
Click here for some fun NEW items!
Leather fly swatters, knives, playing cards!